Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pictures from on high

I really like the way the Mac handles pictures. Here are several my daughter took* last week during her three-day trek on Aconcagua (ref. previous post). I still can't quite believe she was there, that she saw and experienced all this. But there she is, with Aconcagua looming in the background:

*Edit to correct photo credit:  Her BF took some of them. Notably, the ones of her.

She captioned the one below: "This photo is of Puente del Inca, which supposedly when the Incas couldn't cross this river, they prayed to the gods and this rock bridge magically appeared the next day. Pretty cool looking."

Standing in the glacier. Obviously, it's the time of year when it melts a bit.

She said this is: "Our nifty little stove and pot!" And I thought, Oh good, she's learning how to cook. Or at least, how to boil stuff.

More glacier:

Aconcagua. The highest peak outside of Asia:

My daughter, hiking across a glacier. She's turning into a mountain goat:

More glacier:

Very pretty reflection in the lake:

Her host sister said this looked like meringue:

Daughter's boyfriend, hiking across the glacier:

Obviously, I've been playing way too much and not writing enough. I'm having a very tough time concentrating so far this weekend.

I'll go have a stern talk with myself now. Really.


The Merry said...

I think you're worn out with all this virtual hiking :)
You're safe... can't nag you on a Sunday. Maybe tomorrow.

uncou - it would be uncou to nag you today.

McB said...

Amazing, really amazing. Just think, someday when she has college age kids who don't think mom is very exciting, she'll be able to wow 'em. And explain why grandma aged prematurely.

Now, go write.

winsor: In any conflict, someone either winsor someone loses.

Theresa said...

Wow. Just wow. Those are great pictures!

And absolutely it counts that you're doing a writing marathon! I say when you finish your book (book done yet?), we need to have a huge party at the Grill to celebrate our amazing writers all finishing their books!

The Merry said...

Hello BCB!

dedsbin - where you keep the ded wood