Saturday, December 30, 2006

I Am Resolute: No Resolutions

I have never made New Year’s Resolutions and I don’t plan to start now. I figure the best time to make a resolution is when you’re feeling, well, resolute. And that can happen at any time. At this time of year I am feeling all sorts of things, things that might get me arrested if I decided to be all resolute about them.

For instance, by the time the 1st rolls around the kids have been out of school for at least a week. When they were younger, that meant they were bored and picking on each other. Now that they’re older and so much more mature. . . they’re still picking on each other. But they are also going out -- in cars, at night, with their friends, radio volume set to “stun” -- and that means I am staying up late, waiting for them to come home in one piece. I’m feeling slightly sleep deprived and perhaps a little surly and any resolution might reflect that.

At this point, the holiday decorations have been in place for at least two weeks, maybe three. My daughter is pleading for them to remain “just one more week, please?” You do not want to know how I’d like to resolve that issue.

By now the dog has usually eaten a significant quantity of: a) wrapping paper, b) ribbons and bows, c) the remains of a meal, or three, that someone left sitting at a height of less than five feet off the floor, d) chocolate candy, including the foil wrappers, and e) paper towels and/or napkins. My resolution for this would have nothing to do with buying more carpet cleaner, not even the one with the appropriate name.

I make a living in the world of finance and the end of the calendar year is usually also the end of the fiscal year. You don’t want to know the details, believe me, but suffice it to say that if my longing for a vista without reports and numbers and long hours sitting behind a desk were to turn into something resolute-- well, both the beach and the mountains are an easy drive from here.

So for me, making resolutions at this time of year is not just a bad idea, it is something to avoid at all costs. Really. Because once I resolve to do something, I usually do it.


JT said...

Well, if when you resolve to do something, and you do it...I dare you to resolve to finish that book :)

The Merry said...

What Jen-T said. Doubled.

McB said...

Ahem. I stopped over at TCF and was very disappointed in you. Stop beating around the bush ... we've been ejoying your writing for a year now. Your comments and blogs are funny and well paced and very well written indeed. I'm a reader, I know this stuff.

You are a great writer.

I'd better hear you say that soon or I'll be heading south and making you say it. And I think I can count on a few friends to come along and help hold you down.

JT said...

You need a new post. Just a suggestion. :)

dee said...

Oh, I bet I know the "few friends" McB is talking about, and I am one of them.
Write, woman. Write til your fingers feel numb and your wrists throb. Write til your body is drained and your brain is beyond tired. And then write some more.
I have a book that I want you to read. Send me an e-mail and I'll get it to you.
Lovin the blog, btw!